Our community at Granville’s Wood is growing. The Woodland Burial team have been working to create a monthly social event, to allow our extended family of staff, volunteers and plot holders to support each other, therefore; I’m excited to announce our plans for the rest of 2020.
Events are to have fun, chat, perhaps learn something and enjoy Granville’s Wood. They are scheduled for 10am, weather permitting. Parking is difficult, so if you are going to come along, please let us know and we can plan ahead. Bring your own refreshments, and a camping chair if necessary.
Our Facebook Group and Page will be kept up to date with any changes. At the time of writing we will be working to current Covid-19 guidelines – keeping 1m apart and using hand sanitizer etc.
August 29th – Foraging
Saturday morning whoever would like to join us is welcome to bring a container and see what they can find. There are blackberries, sloe, elderberries and more. If you wish to collect fungi then you will need to be extra careful. We will (hopefully) be making some jam, cordial and gin, available to anyone who came along, with any spare added to the communal shed for people to help themselves.
September 12th – The Big Clear
The big project for this year is the creation of a pond area. Wildlife need the water source, and any help with drainage for the Autumn/Winter will also help us all. This will be a communal area and we will be fundraising for a bench or two so people can rest, reflect and hopefully see some amazing native wildlife too. The first job is to clear the area of any plants, animals, habitats etc. that can be moved to a safer place while we work. Please bring a trowel!
October 17th – Pumpkin Party
Well, probably not a party as such… We will be creating some fun and healthy pumpkins as a novel food source in the Woods. People are welcome to add one to their nook, or leave in a general area. Our cameras will be focused on some of the creations, to see who enjoys them the most.
November 21st – Hedge Planting Session
One of our nook owners has kindly paid for some hedging, November is a good time to plant it out. Hedging has many uses in the Woods, it creates wonderful ‘highways’ for many of the birds and insects and helps us to make borders too. You are welcome to come and just encourage or make tea, not everyone will want to plant.
December 5th – Pine Cone Cosies
There are two elements to our last Event of the year. Mulled Wine and Mince Pies is one, and making some pine cone insect houses is the other. As always, there is no pressure to do both (or either). As we see the end of an incredibly strange year, we hope to share exciting plans for 2021.
Each Event will be held at Granville’s Wood and are no facilities, but we can make tea. Children remain the responsibility of the adult carer at all times. A Disclaimer will need to be signed to take part in any activities.