We have tried to keep you abreast of the changes with a regular funeral guidance update throughout the pandemic. Here is the latest guidance. There may be a further lifting of restrictions on 19th July, and we will amend this as necessary.
What’s New?
The biggest change is that the number of people that can attend a funeral is no longer fixed, but determined by the venue. Being completely outside, means Granville’s Wood therefore has no upper limit, as long as people are remaining socially distanced. Clearly, our small nooks can only fit so many people at once, so people need to be sensible. It does allow for much more flexibility.
Outdoor venues now have a Covid-19 Risk Assessment, and we have one too. This makes sure that every effort has been made to keep staff and attendees safe and to lower the risk of spreading infection.
Main Points to Remember:
- Everyone is responsible for keeping risk as low as possible and reducing the spread of infection.
- People must still socially distance, with a 2m space between bubbles.
- Face coverings are still advised.
- Regular hand washing, or using a gel is good practice.
- Where possible, it’s sensible to complete a FREE home test before attending a funeral, and afterwards.
- Remember that while you may feel healthy, others attending may be more vulnerable. Behaving in the best interests of the most vulnerable is a good bench mark.
- If you have ANY symptoms of Covid, it’s probably best not to attend a funeral.
- Sharing transport should still only be for 6 people, or two households, with windows open if possible.
- For people travelling into the UK from overseas for a funeral, there is specific guidance.
The government website has more detailed descriptions of the above points,
you can read the full funeral guidance update HERE.
We are hopeful that the restrictions and risk will soon be a distant memory. We are planning our first Community Event for August 2021… while we have been very lucky to be completely outdoors, and therefore very low risk, it will still be nice to feel we can support our families with no restrictions.