By now, if you subscribe to our newsletter, you will have received our Christmas plans, and 2020 Round Up.
In 2021 we hope to make up for lost time with several projects at Granville’s Woods including:
- Monthly community events
- Establishing a pond area with communal seating
- Improving the diversity of our wildlife with additional habitats and feeding sources
- Upscaling our community ‘shed’ to have a joint bird food area and donations box
- Adding to our brash hedging (with kind thanks to David Wright for the hedging donation)
- Making links with local groups and organisations
Christmas Week
Our Christmas plans this year are a little different. Due to the current Government guidelines on Covid, and the rising case numbers locally we have been advised not to open the gates to encourage visitors on Christmas Day. As we cannot (in any fair way) police the number of visitors, it is best practice to remain closed.
As always, the Woods are accessible on foot 24/7.
Our bird feeder Christmas wreaths were very popular and we hope to make them next year in a workshop – so more will be available. Already, they have been stripped by the hungry birds, and had to be replenished by our Site Manager!
Winter Walks
This week is the traditional start of the Festival of Winter Walks, it’s very healthy to keep taking time outside, even in the colder weather. Fresh air is good for our mental as well as physical wellbeing. The Ramblers Association have a useful download with ideas for the best ways to enjoy walking during the Winter.
We are lucky that in our woodland the pine needles mean it’s never muddy, even though you may need to be careful on the main Walton Woods paths. We hope you enjoy the woods and outdoors over the festive period. The next blog post will be in the New Year.
Wishing all of our friends, families and followers a peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.