We offer a range of memorials, they differ in size and price. If none of our pre-designed memorials fit exactly with individual wishes, we are happy to work out bespoke memorials upon request. We never re-use a memorial area. All memorial options are designed to provide peaceful, tranquil spaces that provide as much privacy as possible.

Granville’s wood is privately owned by us and protected for a minimum of 200 years. After the 200 years, the woodland is passed to the Woodland Burial Trust who are instructed to continue managing the woodlands in conjunction with nominated wildlife charities. We have a heavy onus on the ecological health of the woodlands and have management plans to ensure the habitat develops into a thriving reserve. 15% of all our revenue goes directly to the Trust to ensure that the management of the woodlands continues throughout the 200 years on the deed of grant.

With the pre-purchase of plots, we issue a deed of grant for burial or interment and simple documents detailing the process and the steps required at the time the plot is required. We recommend that this is held in three places. A copy with the will and final wishes, a copy with the individual and a copy on record with the Woodland Burial Company. The deed of grant will be specific to the plot and its location within the wood. If a funeral director has also been pre-chosen, we recommend that this information is shared so we may liaise with them.

We can’t receive pre-payment for burial fees for pre-purchased plots. The burial fees will be charged at the time of interment.

Our Price List for 2024

Option 1 Woodland Interment of Ashes – £387

A woodland internment is the burying of ashes, it does not provide a demarcated plot.

Option 2 Single Ash Nook – £1,050

Space for a single ash interment, with a choice of incorporating an established tree within the woodland, or the planting of a new native tree from our list. Legacy items may be added.

Option 3 Double Ash Nook – £1,327

Space for two ash interments, as above, utilising an existing tree, or planting a new native species from our list. First interments are included in the price, second interments will be subject to the relevant fee at the time of use. Legacy additions can be made at any time.

Option 4 Family Ash Nook – £1,935

Space for up to five ash internments, as above, utilising an existing tree, or planting a new native species from our list. First interments are included in the price, further interments will be subject to the relevant fee at the time of use. Legacy additions can be made at any time.

Option 5 Single Burial Nook – £2,329

Space for a single full committal. A burial fee applies at the time of use. Legacy additions can be made from our current list at any time. A tree planting can be added for £100.

Option 6 Double Burial Nook – £3,130

Space for two full committals. A burial fee applies at the time of use. Legacy additions can be made from our current list at any time. A tree planting can be added for £100.

Option 7 Family Burial Nook – £6,150

Our most spacious option allows for up to five full committals, or a combination of Ash and Burial interments. Burial fees apply at the time of use. Legacy additions can be made from our current list at any time. A tree planting can be added for £100.



  • Burial Fee – £995
  • Ash interment fee – £250

Woodland Legacy Additions

As well as the standard memorial options, we also offer woodland legacy memorials. These are all based around the improvement of the habitat for targeted species and will assist in ensuring a rich diversity of species. Woodland legacies can be added to any of the memorial plot options.

  • Tree planting (inc tree) – £553
  • Native Flower Planting from £150
  • Hedging from £50
  • Degradable Vase – £20
  • Hedgehog houses – £406
  • Owl boxes – £348
  • Habitat piles – £174
  • Bird Boxes from £46
  • Bird Table £145
  • Bird Bath £87
  • Bird Feeders from £35
  • Hand crafted woodland bench – £695
  • A5 Brass Plaque & Plinth – £140
  • Book Plaque £280

We’re ready to listen: Book your free consultation today

0115 939 9030 info@woodlandburialcompany.com