We have a new, full, Funeral Director Service available.

You no longer need to liaise with a separate company as we can manage all the aspects of a funeral with you directly. We will be using local funeral home, Harold Lillekers, for the collection and care of the deceased before the funeral. All arrangements will be made directly with our Funerals & Families Manager.

The Funeral Services standardised price list is below. It has a ‘package’ offer, and so clearly lists any extra considerations you may wish to add. For more information about how funeral services are monitored and why the standardised price lists were created you can read this government article.



It’s important to us that our pricing is transparent and clear. If you have any questions please do contact us, then we can discuss your specific needs: info@woodlandburialcompany.com.

You can customise your funeral in a number of areas. We aim to have the most environmentally positive impact possible. The best way to start the process is to visit Granville’s Wood and chat with our Funerals & Families Manager.

We hope this new funeral director service will help families by reducing the amount of people they need to be in contact with at such a difficult time. As we develop our services, we will keep you informed of updates and improvements.